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Facebook is making us miserable

December 10, 2011 Leave a comment

I have come across an article By Mr. Daniel Gulati in Harvard Business Review about how Facebook is making people’s lives miserable. I happen to agree 100% with the author on this one. While I have recognized the uses and in fact leveraged those myself to find new friends, long lost friends, share the events happening in my life with my circle of friends etc., it has also taken away some of my time that I would rather spend in real world and not the virtual world. We are losing personal connections as simple as picking up a phone and talking to a person etc. ratherthan messaging them on Facebook etc. we are also not meeting as often as we should because you are meeting virtually. Another challenge is we almost always happen to share only the positive jthings happening in our lives making other people jealous or worse making them think that our lives are happy pappy and not have those conversations with friends and loved ones that are essential to help us think straight at times and get back to normalcy after a particularly difficult experience.

You all should read this one to mend your FB habits, if need be, if you are like me.